Using the sun, water or wind to create energy helps the environment, as well as the cost of energy in your home. If you’re interested in having a greener source of energy for your appliances at home, keep reading this article for useful tricks on the things you can do.
Check monthly to determine if your furnace’s filters need cleaning and replace them yearly. Install filters for your warm-air registers, too. Having filters prevents debris from building up inside your heating ducts, which would hinder the energy efficiency of your heating system.
On hot, summer days, hang your clothes outside. Your laundry will smell fantastic after a day in the sun. The smell of sun-dried clothes is much nicer than clothing tumbled in a dryer. You will also be saving money on your utility bills.
Always be consistent in maintaining your fridge. Since refrigerators are one of the high-consumption appliances, it’s crucial that you keep it running efficiently. Every week, check and see if dust has accumulated near the heating coils. If it has, take the time to remove it. Also ensure that the rubber seals around the doors are clean and making tight contact.
Storm Doors
In homes with storm doors and windows, air flow is controlled better. Storm doors and windows lessen the amount of cold air drafts that come in. You can increase the energy efficiency in your house by up to 45 percent with stormed windows and doors.
Use a model which is tankless and more green instead of a tank style heater. Although tankless heaters require electricity or gas to heat water, they only do this on the amount you need as opposed to storing it in a large tank that is kept hot all the time. You can get a tankless water heater to heat your entire home’s water supply or you can get a smaller one that heats only water that comes out of a particular faucet.
If green energy is a concept which you embrace, minimize the use of electrical heaters during the winter months. Use a fireplace in place of the heater and wear warm layers of clothing. Remember, cooler air during sleep is better for breathing, and keeps the airways from drying out.
Make your home energy-efficient with products that conserve power. One of the most popular products to increase the energy efficiency of your home are double-pane windows that have received a high energy star rating. With these products, cooling and heating costs are decreased.
Energy Star
Replace any old major appliances with new Energy Star rated appliances. If you buy an Energy Star-rated appliance, it is guaranteed to use far less energy than the one it replaced. Appliances like fridges and freezers can use up to 20% less energy, while washing machines can save up to 50%.
When you exit a room, make it a habit to flip off the light switch. If you establish a habit of extinguishing your lights, you will be amazed at the amount of energy you can save in the long run. In addition, you will save money on your utility bill.
An on-demand (tankless) water heater is very green. The older models are constantly running, which ends up wasting energy. Water heaters that use on-demand, will heat water instantly when needed, which ends up saving you a lot in energy costs.
Do not forget to turn off anything you do not use, including lights, appliances and electronics. Just by simply being aware of things that are on, and making an effort to turn things off when not in use, you can substantially save on your energy bills. Try to be consciously aware of what you are doing, and try your best to turn off appliances and lights when you’re not using them.
60 Degrees
When you leave your home or go to bed, set the thermostat at 60 degrees. When your home is at 60 degrees, it is using the least amount of energy possible. The result is lower energy consumption and cost.
Thawing frozen food in your fridge is another good energy saver. This is a better way to thaw food, and the cold air that comes from your frozen foods will make your refrigerator cooler, thereby, cutting the energy consumption from your fridge.
Refrain from using bottled water. Water in bottles is usually just municipal water, and the process of bottling uses a great deal of energy. Instead of buying bottled water, use a refillable bottle and a filter.
Buy a type of home energy monitor so that you can see how much energy your home uses. These small devices display, in real-time, how much energy your home is using, and they can estimate your utility bill. Research has proven that consumers generally cut down on energy consumption if they are able to see the exact costs of running lights, appliances and devices.
Think about using rainwater inside your house for certain things, like the toilet. Your water bill will decrease and this also benefits the environment. Collecting rainwater is not difficult; purchase and install rain barrels to capture the water that would otherwise drain away from your home through the gutters.
You can start your journey towards living a more green life today, all it takes is some simple switching of the light bulbs in your house to get started. Completing a few simple projects that don’t require professional assistance can save you a ton of energy, not to mention money. Start with one small project and you’ll be on the path to a greener life!
Green Energy
By using green energy today you are saving money and the planet. As this article explains, green energy is not expensive or complicated at all. Start implementing the advice you have learned to create a more energy efficient home today.